Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Do you wanna learn how to make a "locking chain" ?

Step one put the yarn between your thumb like this.  Next, put the yarn in front of your index finger.  Now rap back and  fourth through your fingers.  Rap the opposite way back through your fingers then do the same thing to make a second row.  When you make a second row you shouldn't make it, too tight or you are not gonna be able to do the next step.  you will have to start over so don't make it to tight.  

Now bring the bottom row over your finger and keep doing that until it's about 20 inches long or so.  Then slip it off your hand and do not pull the loops.  When your done taking it off put the loops together and cut the yarn but not to short.  Then cut another piece of yarn bout 11 inches and rap the yarn around the top of your "locking chain".  THEN THERE YOU GO!!!!!!!